
231-128-7regular dossier 10-100 tpyregistered2018

The REACH registration dossier of substance Samarium metal has been submitted. The Joint Submission covers the tonnage band 10-100 tpy (Annex VIII).



Massive form: 
Water React. Flam. Gas 3 – H261

Powder form:
Water React. Flam. Gas 3 – H261
Flam. Solid 2 – H228

Uses covered in the registration dossier
The Lead Dossier contains information about the most frequent uses of the substance. If your particular use is not covered by the lead dossier (or you want to keep it confidential), you may add it yourself in the related section of your own co-registration file (IUCLID).
• Magnet manufacture (ERC5, PROC 13, 21, 22, 24, 26)
• Alloying (ERC5, PROC 1, 2, 8b)

Letter of Access: The details of the costs and the procedure to buy a Letter of Access are described in the document uploaded below.
